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Tuning medals?


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So I was checking out some of the tuning options in the Dr!ft app recently and I noticed you can purchase single tuning medals or the full package of tuning medals. What do these tuning medals entail? Does it give me one time use of a new feature of that engine if I buy one tuning medal? Or does a purchase of the full package give me full control of all the features of that engine? So far I have not read anything about these options. 

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vor 7 Stunden schrieb PDogg:

So I was checking out some of the tuning options in the Dr!ft app recently and I noticed you can purchase single tuning medals or the full package of tuning medals. What do these tuning medals entail? Does it give me one time use of a new feature of that engine if I buy one tuning medal? Or does a purchase of the full package give me full control of all the features of that engine? So far I have not read anything about these options. 

If an engine needs 5 medals to be unlocked and you have none but want that engine, buy 5 medals.

If you already have e.g 4 medals and you only need one further, so you have to buy only one medal instead full package.

Unlocking is permanent but there are no features except more hp.




Bearbeitet von THR3360
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