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One account: more cars


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Good morning to the community 😁

one more newbie question: if I buy more than one car, may I load all of them in the same account?

May I run them at the same time by using two smartphone (but using one account only) ?

If I own 2 gymkhana editions, my achieved tunings are available for both? Or each car goes lonely...

And if I own 1 gymkhana and 1 standard, does only one car get tunings? But can I have both always in the same account?


Thank you for help, as usual 🙂

Have a nice day,


Bearbeitet von Nuvolari
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I use one account for three cars, there is no limit for every account. You can use your account at the same time for 2 cars at the same time, it works. But some people had the problem, that they lost the collected points. I would prefer your friend will create a second account.

When i try the gymkhama-mode, i collect points for my account. But every car goes lonely. When you and your friend tune up the only yellow one to get faster the 1000PS, it's not a problem. But then is the other still a basic-car with 550PS.

What do you mean with Standard? The old classic Version?  You can only collect points, when you have the gymkhama-upgrade inside.

If you buy a used virtually tuned car, the tuning will be still inside the car.

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First of all thank you for all your replies and help 🙂

The cars would always be mine, the second eventually used by my son. That's why I would like a single account.

If I got it, when using gymkhana mode with my account and collecting points, I do it only for the car which I'm currently driving, so I will get tunings for it, while the other car remains basic until I use gymkhana mode with it. And so on.

With "standard" I was meaning a no-gymkhana car, like the Red Turbo at 99€ in kickstarter. But if I correctly understand now, the gymkhana mode is a feature of the account, not of the car. Or am I wrong?

Once you spoke about used cars, how can I buy it? I mean, other then get the product, should I simultaneously register it to my account? Do I need something "else" from the seller? He should erase it from her account or what? 😏

Still many questions, sorry... 😕 and thanks.




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The gymkhama mode is only part of the car, not of the account. Every car needs the gymkhama-upgrade to use the features.

To upgrade your racer, you must use the ID of the car and not the account.

I mean used cars from ebay, this forum etc. The seller must do nothing, not erase oder something like that. It's like in real life, when you buy a car. Every feature of this car is now for you.

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