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Gast Juniorflula

Are you confused about whether to go with Ceylon Cinnamon vs Saigon Cinnamon? Let me clear that up for you! Both have unique qualities, but choosing the right one depends on what you’re looking for.

Ceylon Cinnamon is smoother and sweeter, making it the ideal choice for those who enjoy a milder cinnamon taste. On the other hand, Saigon Cinnamon has a stronger, spicier flavor that stands out in baked goods and savory dishes.

One of the biggest concerns when choosing cinnamon is coumarin. Saigon Cinnamon contains high levels of coumarin, a substance that can be harmful in large doses. Ceylon Cinnamon, however, has much lower levels of coumarin, making it the healthier option if you plan on using cinnamon regularly.

I’ve written a complete guide on the differences between Ceylon Cinnamon vs Saigon Cinnamon, where I explain everything from flavor to health benefits. Check it out to make the best decision for your kitchen!
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