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Model 3 Performance with Track Mode!


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  Am 8.12.2019 um 11:58 schrieb getiteasy:

If the game is to become the Mega Hit 2020, then build a Tesla Model 3 Performance with Track Mode.  Internal combustion engines are something of yesterday.  If you build that, people will tear the game out of your hands.

The absence of sound, sounds not so great...

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  Am 8.12.2019 um 11:58 schrieb getiteasy:

If the game is to become the Mega Hit 2020, then build a Tesla Model 3 Performance with Track Mode.  Internal combustion engines are something of yesterday.  If you build that, people will tear the game out of your hands.

I agree. That would certainly widen the community, especially since the Tesla community is still sort of homogene.

The absence of sound is not fully correct, it is just another sound. The App could make the electric motor sound just louder than usual.

It would be great to see on a Drifter the faster acceleration and the recuperation when going of the "gas" pedal. It would be again a totally different experience.

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